Back in Marsh Harbour

We spent another week here preparing to go to the end of the Abacos and on to Eeleuthera.  Sail repair, shopping, and a road trip.

Wed, January 24, 2018

We walked across the narrow strip of land to the East to Mermaid Reef and did some snorkeling.  Fishing and hunting is not permitted here, and the fish are clearly accustomed to being fed.  Very nice.  Lots of good pictures.

January 29, 2018

Road Trip: We rented a car (a left hand drive Buick) and drove to Little Harbour and Cherokee Sound.  It is possible to sail to Little Harbour, but it is easier to drive.  Cherokee Sound is very shallow and not good cruising ground for keel boats.  Little Harbour is the home of an artist colony and a facility that does bronze castings using the lost wax process.  Basically they create a sand mold (lots of sand here), and pour in molten bronze, creating lovely sea creatures and nudes.  There is a museum and store with videos of the process, and tours are available.

We had lunch at Pete’s Pub, a nice place that has a grass roof, no walls, and numerous t-shirts stapled to the ceiling for decoration.  A short walk to see the site of the old lighthouse and surf and we were off to Cherokee Sound.  This is a fishing community where there is a small store, and several dozen nicely maintained small houses. We walked past the elementary school during recess.  A couple dozen children running around outside: boys with regular ties, and girls with simple cross ties.  There is a 770 foot long dock here to allow the mail boat to come in.  We walked out the length of it in substantial wind.  It seemed to be a bit fragile to us.

Tilloo, Tahiti Beach, and Hopetown again.

Saturday, January 20 2018

This adventure was Angie’s idea.  There were three boats on this trip:  Olive Oyl, Alibi (Angie) and Moondance (Barbara and George).  This was a leisurely sail with the objective, a bonfire on the beach with a potluck meal.  15.7 miles.

Sunday, January 21

Tilloo Bank to Tilloo Cut:  In the morning, we headed up the west coast of Tilloo Cay.  Moondance had trouble getting her anchor chain on board in the windy conditions.  Eventually, they succeeded, but decided they should go back to their slip in Marsh Harbour and straighten out the chain issue before anchoring out another night or two with us.  We had double reefed Olive Oyl, and were using only a single jib while all this was happening. We were having fun sailing around in circles on a windy day with no immediate objective when our staysail started flapping.  Investigation showed one of the upper seams had ripped out, leaving an unusable sail, but with no serious damage.  Angie has a Sailright sewing machine, so we took our sail down to be sewed up again when we got back to Marsh Harbour.   Olive Oyl and Alibi continued North a short way (2.5 nautical miles) to an anchorage South of Tilloo Cut.  We dinghied to Angie’s secret location where we caught several large Conchs.

We ate the conchs and threw the starfish back.

Back to the boats for Conch preparation and Conch supper.  Doug:  thumbs up!  Salli: not so much.

Monday, January 22, 2018

Tilloo Cut – Tahiti Beach – Hopetown.   A very short sail to investigate Tahiti Bay and Tilloo cut.  The objective was to do some snorkeling and possibly bagging some lobsters (called crayfish down here).  Wind and waves were too much, so we anchored at Tahiti Bay and did some beachcombing.  Doug: found a couple natural sponges for the dinghy.  Salli: some shells.  Next to Hopetown where we anchored south of the harbor near a small abandoned resort.  More lobstering, but we only found a single tiny one.  The main way to hunt lobsters is with a spear and an elastic band.  As we see it, the main drawback of this system is that you can only check the size of your lobster once it is dead.  If it is too small, there is no way to release it alive.  There is another clever way which is to use a string mop.  Yes a mop.  You find the lobster hiding in a hole with it’s antenna sticking out.  You thrust the mop into the hole and twist it around a bit, causing the lobster, with it’s antenna, legs, and sharp shell to get snarled up in the mop.  Withdraw, untangle and put into your bag.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Hopetown back to Marsh Harbour:  8.5 miles.

Marsh Harbour


We stayed here over a month. from Dec 30 through Feb 1.  There were serious winds exceeding 40 Knots the first couple days.  We were glad to be well sheltered with a secure mooring.  The second week of January we flew to Fort Lauderdale for our daughter Amanda’s wedding.  We came back to the boat with some materials that needed to be installed;  we took a 4 day trip around some nearby islands (see below), spent 2 days resewing our two jibs and 2 days figuring how to improve our internet connectivity,  climbed to the top of the mast to re-run the staysail halyard, bought a string mop,  and rented a car and took a road trip (see below).

Marsh Harbour is the third largest city in the Bahamas (after Nassau and Freeport).  It has good hardware stores, food stores,

auto supplies, and bakeries.  It has several marinas, fair marine supplies, and a secure harbor.  It has one traffic light, however, in our opinion, it is not a charming Bahamian vacation destination.  There is a thriving charter industry here.  For a few thousand dollars a week, you can come here and sail a nice large modern catamaran around charming Bahamian islands, a price competitive with staying in a resort.  If you are interested, contact our friend Angie, captain of Alibi   “Let our Alibi be your alibi”

Hopetown and on to Marsh Harbour

Friday, December 29, 2018

We left around 9, and after a short 5.1 miles, anchored outside of Hopetown Harbour on Elbow  Cay.  We dinghied to the Sailing Club dock, walked around, bought some still-hot bread, and went to a restaurant on the ocean side for lunch.  There we ran into Mack again (see post above), and bought him a drink.   Back to the boat around 3:00 when the winds picked up above 17 kt, so we decided to stay on the boat.  We were anchored where our chart indicated “poor holding”, but we had no trouble while we were here.

Saturday, December 30

We dinghied into Hopetown and visited the red and white spiraled lighthouse.  It claims to be the last kerosene powered lighthouse in the Bahamas, although there was a sodium vapor lamp hanging nearby, possibly for emergencies.  We went over to the ocean side for a snorkel dive.  Headed back to Olive Oyl for the short (8.4 nautical mile) trip to Marsh Harbour.  We picked up a mooring, since we were expecting a blow, and were planning to leave the boat unattended the following week.  We met up with Angie Wilson and went out for dinner at Colors by the Sea.  Angie has known us and our boat project from the very beginning.  We met her at Shipwright Harbor Marina, where we bought Olive Oyl (ex Marie).  She has seen both the “before” and the “after” of Olive Oyl.

At this point, we would like to apologize for the untimely posting we have done on this blog.  It was our original intention to make a slick presentation of text and pictures documenting our trip.  This has turned out to be difficult due to the poor internet connections we have had with 2G internet service,  and the fact that one of us does the pictures and the other, the narrative.  We have decided to quickly catch up to the present,  and to try to concentrate on keeping up to date at the expense of fewer pictures.  We may add pictures to posts after we post them, so each post may evolve over time.

Man-O-War Cay

Wednesday, December 27,  We left Green Turtle Cay bound for Man-O-War Cay,  two hours after low tide, and got out of Settlement Creek without touching bottom.   Shallow draft vessels can take a fairly direct route, but deeper vessels must go out into the Atlantic, briefly, to go “around the Whale”  We probably could have taken the shorter route, but the longer route was only a couple hours longer, and conditions were favorable for playing it safe.   We got to Man-O-War Cay, anchored outside the Harbor and went into town where a fellow named “Mack”, told us where the dinghy dock was and where we should eat (Hybiscus).  Man-O-War is a Loyalist town where much of the economy is based on boatbuilding and repair.   We found a restaurant, ordered a pizza, walked around a bit and headed back to the boat.  We had outboard trouble, and before I had time to do any troubleshooting, Mac showed up in his small fishing boat, and towed us back to Olive Oyl.  It turned out that the fuel hose had come loose from the engine, a simple fix.

Thursday, we went ashore again for a walk around town, and to mail a postcard.  We were told that the post office was only open one hour on either Tuesday or Thursday.  Lunch at Hibiscus, Showers, Laundry, and Dinner at the Marina.  Back to Olive Oyl, planning to leave for Hopetown the next day.

Green Turtle Cay

Wednesday, we left Crab Cay at sunrise for Green Turtle Cay, (35 miles and 7 hours away).

Due to navigational optimism, we were able to get into the, very shallow, Settlement Creek. Finding anchoring room for exactly one shallow draft sailboat, we decided it should be us.

Here we stayed, the whole time we were there, in the middle of New Plymouth settlement, 20 oar strokes from shore, restaurants, 2 hardware stores, and several food stores.


The settlement was decorated for Christmas, and folks were quite friendly, greeting us, helping us get purchases back to our boat, and once giving us a golf cart ride. Residents were in high Christmas mode, and there were Christmas carols (accompanied by drums) sung at 5:00 AM each morning leading up to the big day. Because of our close proximity to town, we were able to enjoy this music without leaving our boat.

One day we rented a golf cart and toured the whole cay (3 miles long). In Coco Bay, we saw stingrays (basically harmless), and turtles (watch your fingers).



Sunday, Christmas eve, we took an 8 hour boat tour, conducted by local diving character Brendal. We went to a beautiful Elk horn reef to snorkel where the water was so clear and the color of the fish so vivid.

Doug taking a closer look.

Then we went over to Man Jack Cay where one of our guides did some lobster spear fishing. He and another member of our group caught about 8 lobsters. We then went to a quiet beach where we could sit in the water with stingrays. They would eat fish pieces from between our toes and seemed to enjoy being petted. Brendal was obviously acquainted with these stingrays claimed to know them by name. While we were watching Lemon sharks come up to the beach, Brendal was fixing us a wonderful lobster and snapper lunch. The weather was perfect and the company was great.

In spite of being tired, we attended Christmas Eve service at the Anglican church, a 30 oar stroke trip, pulling the dinghy up on the beach in front of the church.

The carols were familiar ones, but sung more primitively in unison with drums, and much enthusiasm. I believe we were the only ones to leave the service in a row boat.

Christmas day we went to a pot luck dinner for cruisers. One of the local restaurants (Sundowners) was closed for the day and allowed us to use their patio dining area right on the beach. Lots of great food and conversations.

It started getting a little windy Christmas night and Boxing Day started out partly cloudy. Our next leg of our trip takes us through “The Whale Cut” which is out in the ocean due to shallow waters between islands. We needed to wait another day for the wind to die down.

We decided to spend our last morning walking to Gillam Cove, a good place to find sand dollars. We walked a long, long way on the beach and found lots of great shells but no whole sand dollars.

We watched a squall come in and walked in the rain it brought with it. When we got back to the boat it rained quite heavily off and on all afternoon and we were able to collect 6 gallons of fresh rain water to fill up our tanks.

Smooth Sailing (Motoring)

We left Grand Cay after walking around the small town and buying ice and the last loaf of bread in the small bakery.

We motored just a few miles to Double Breasted Cay, and after a few minutes, we noticed we were being followed by another sailboat, Aine. Double Breasted Cay, uninhabited, consists of two long strips of land with a small white sand island in between. We (Olive Oyl and Aine) anchored between the island and one of the strips, and adjusted our anchor twice to make sure we would have enough depth at low tide. The water here is such a wonderful color of turquoise and clear as glass. The beach has fine white sand.

Doug and I swam the few yards to the beach and walked the island. I found a perfect small conch shell about the size of my fist. We met up with Aine’s crew, Michael and his daughter Sarah and had a nice chat. The water was brisk but not too cold for swimming. The next morning was high tide. The island’s beach disappears during high tide so we had to wait a couple of hours to swim again.

Doug spent time snorkeling around the anchorage looking for lobsters or conch without any luck.

Monday, we left before sunrise for Allans-Pensacola Cay. There was little to no wind and the seas were smooth as glass. It was the kind of day where it was difficult to see where the sky ended and the water began.

It was a smooth enough ride that Doug was able to bake a loaf of sour dough bread. We enjoyed it hot out of the oven while we were underway.

Allans-Pensacola is another uninhabited cay. It has several nice white sand beaches and lots of mangrove trees and other brush.

We anchored, did a bit of exploring, fixed dinner and called it a night. Monday night was a bit of a challenge; around midnight, we became inundated by no-see’ums. We have these pests in Virginia, but they normally are only a problem in the hour after sunset. In this new country, they are much more persistent.

Tuesday, we went in search for the Signing Tree, a big tree where boaters over the years have left assorted items with their name or name of their boat. Some people used old buoys, drift wood or floats. Others were pretty elaborately painted. My friend Angie told us we needed to visit here and add our contribution to the tree as well as look for her boat’s name that she carved into an old float in 2013. It took us a couple of tries to find the tree. We dinghied around to the other side of the island, looked in 2 different coves before we found we had passed the tree on the way in, near a beautiful beach. We found Angie’s “Mary T” float and nearby, we hung our “Olive Oyl’ sign (made from leftover plywood from the galley, and leftover paint.









When we got back to Olive Oyl, we discussed ways we could avoid another night persecuted by tiny bugs, and decided we had enough time to motor over to Crab Cay for the night, where we had a magnificent sunset.

The Bahamas, finally

Thursday morning we set sail across the Gulf Stream, a trip that was uneventful.  4-5 foot waves, enough wind to sail about halfway across.  Dolphins, Flying Fish, and small Portuguese Man-of-Wars (Men-of War?) We got to the Little Bahama Bank after dark in the vicinity of  White Sand Bank, where we decided to anchor rather than continue on overnight.  Our anchorage was a bit rough, since the wind, current, and waves were all from different directions.  It made sleeping a bit rough, although not impossible.  We found out later that there was another boat, Aine (pronounced Anya) that was anchored nearby the same night.  We saw their green light, but thought it was from a vessel underway.

Friday, we sailed toward Grand Cay and started motor sailing around Noon, so we would get in before sunset.  Most of the trip was in 20+ feet, but the last 10 miles were less than 12, some less than 8.  Clearly a time to pay attention to detail.  Using Navionics SonarChart, we made it into the harbor without any trouble.  We talked to a couple fishermen, and tied ourselves up to the deepest, biggest slip in Rosie’s Marina.  No one contested our decision, so there we stayed all night.  We found a thriving fishing village,  half fishermen and half fishing trips for tourists.  There was one other sailboat (Aine) at anchor.  I must say Olive Oyl looked unusually, good tied up to a simple dock with no other sailboats in sight.

We cleared in with Customs, Immigration, and Health, all the same person, rather informal.  Did we come from anywhere that had the plague?  No.   We had dinner at Rosie’s Restaurant (Chicken, Conch or Lobster), Got our phones working on the Bahamian phone system, surfed the web a bit at slow speed, hoisted our Bahamian flag, and called it a night.

The people are very friendly and clearly do not see a lot of sailboats, at least at this time of year.  No one tried to sell us anything.  The water is very clear, allowing one to see to the bottom when the sun doesn’t reflect too much.  Navigation is done largely by sight by the experienced (nearly everyone but us) .  We can see every fish and beer can on the bottom of the marina.  I reflect on those times, I dropped some important piece of hardware overboard while in Virginia, to be left there forever.  Here, you would simply go in after it; the water temperature is 70 degrees F.

We left St Augustine on Saturday, December 2nd and headed down the coast to Lake Worth in West Palm Beach . We sailed past the Kennedy Space Center and one of the launch pads had a rocket in place. Picture isn’t great but the bright white light is the launch pad. 

We again had a bright moon each night but none as pretty as the super moon on Sunday . We had dolphins swimming with us everyday.











We had great wind for running wing on wing most of the day and evening on Sunday.

We arrived Monday morning before dawn so had to heave too and wait for daylight. We anchored in the north end of Lake Worth which didn’t have a marina that would let us dock our dinghy. We had to leave it under a bridge by a road which didn’t feel very safe. A friend suggested we check out the Palm Beach Sailing Club on the south end of the lake. They are very cruiser friendly, providing a dinghy dock, showers and laundry facilities for a small fee. We moved the boat and have been very happy. Doug says it is a yacht club for regular people.

OOn the sail down the coast Doug noticed a transmission oil leak. So the last couple of days have been spent researching where to get the right gaskets and seals for our 40 year old engine. Doug spent about 4 hours traveling around town on the bus getting the parts he needed. Things should be back together tomorrow.

We get to spend the day with our daughter, Amanda tomorrow as she has the day off from work. It will be great to spend time with her and be off the boat for a while.

Once the transmission leak is fixed we will wait for the right weather window to cross the Gulf Stream heading to the Bahamas.

It’s warm!!

We left Beaufort, N.C. on Sunday, 11/25 with great wind for sailing. Seas were pretty mild until Tuesday when waves were about 4 feet. No cooking was done on that day.It was cheese and crackers for dinner. We averaged about 110 miles each day which for our little boat is pretty good.

We caught our first fish on Monday it was a little Tunny which did not taste great.

We saw dolphins everyday. We did 3 hour watches each night and had a beautiful bright 1/2 moon following us. We arrived in St. Augustine, Florida yesterday evening at dusk and are now on a mooring ball at the Municipal Marina. The best part is that it is warm!! I was in shorts today. St Augustine is a beautiful little city that seems very friendly to cruisers. We even had a sea turtle swimming around our dinghy. Our tachometer stopped working reliably on this trip but we found a perfect, hardly used one at Sailor Exchange for only $20. Doug is installing it as I type this.  Today we walked around town and did some sight seeing. We will probably stay another day or 2 then head down the coast to West Palm Beach or Fort Lauderdale to prepare for crossing to the Bahamas. Stay tuned.