Friday, December 29, 2018
We left around 9, and after a short 5.1 miles, anchored outside of Hopetown Harbour on Elbow Cay. We dinghied to the Sailing Club dock, walked around, bought some still-hot bread, and went to a restaurant on the ocean side for lunch. There we ran into Mack again (see post above), and bought him a drink. Back to the boat around 3:00 when the winds picked up above 17 kt, so we decided to stay on the boat. We were anchored where our chart indicated “poor holding”, but we had no trouble while we were here.
Saturday, December 30
We dinghied into Hopetown and visited the red and white spiraled lighthouse. It claims to be the last kerosene powered lighthouse in the Bahamas, although there was a sodium vapor lamp hanging nearby, possibly for emergencies. We went over to the ocean side for a snorkel dive. Headed back to Olive Oyl for the short (8.4 nautical mile) trip to Marsh Harbour. We picked up a mooring, since we were expecting a blow, and were planning to leave the boat unattended the following week. We met up with Angie Wilson and went out for dinner at Colors by the Sea. Angie has known us and our boat project from the very beginning. We met her at Shipwright Harbor Marina, where we bought Olive Oyl (ex Marie). She has seen both the “before” and the “after” of Olive Oyl.
At this point, we would like to apologize for the untimely posting we have done on this blog. It was our original intention to make a slick presentation of text and pictures documenting our trip. This has turned out to be difficult due to the poor internet connections we have had with 2G internet service, and the fact that one of us does the pictures and the other, the narrative. We have decided to quickly catch up to the present, and to try to concentrate on keeping up to date at the expense of fewer pictures. We may add pictures to posts after we post them, so each post may evolve over time.
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