We left St Augustine on Saturday, December 2nd and headed down the coast to Lake Worth in West Palm Beach . We sailed past the Kennedy Space Center and one of the launch pads had a rocket in place. Picture isn’t great but the bright white light is the launch pad. 

We again had a bright moon each night but none as pretty as the super moon on Sunday . We had dolphins swimming with us everyday.











We had great wind for running wing on wing most of the day and evening on Sunday.

We arrived Monday morning before dawn so had to heave too and wait for daylight. We anchored in the north end of Lake Worth which didn’t have a marina that would let us dock our dinghy. We had to leave it under a bridge by a road which didn’t feel very safe. A friend suggested we check out the Palm Beach Sailing Club on the south end of the lake. They are very cruiser friendly, providing a dinghy dock, showers and laundry facilities for a small fee. We moved the boat and have been very happy. Doug says it is a yacht club for regular people.

OOn the sail down the coast Doug noticed a transmission oil leak. So the last couple of days have been spent researching where to get the right gaskets and seals for our 40 year old engine. Doug spent about 4 hours traveling around town on the bus getting the parts he needed. Things should be back together tomorrow.

We get to spend the day with our daughter, Amanda tomorrow as she has the day off from work. It will be great to spend time with her and be off the boat for a while.

Once the transmission leak is fixed we will wait for the right weather window to cross the Gulf Stream heading to the Bahamas.


  1. David Reynolds and Alison Steiner Reply

    ‘Been a few days of too busy to catch up on W4OYL. Good to hear. Damn gaskets. You’ve been doing a good bit of motoring – back in the intracoastal.
    We have you about 11 NM NE of Crown Haven in a 6kt breeze or so, 20 deg. C, sunny, with great vis. Pretty close to as good as it gets on the third rock from the sun.
    Thinking of you. Peace.

    • Salli Reply

      We are still in west palm beach. Looks like the weather gods will be smiling on Thursday to cross the Gulf Stream. Heading to the Abacos.

  2. David Reynolds and Alison Steiner Reply

    Wednesday evening here. Dunno who that was Whiskey four Oscar Yankee Lima out at the position that I reported.. Winds and seas looked awfully nice out there.
    When I saw you back at West Palm Beach, I was impressed that you’d scooted back so fast. Must be Winlink saw your alternate self.
    Pretty chilly here in the great inland. I’m stoking the fireplace steadily.

  3. David Reynolds and Alison Steiner Reply

    We have mid thirties In Jackson this morning. The birdies are queued up on the raised bed garden for the feeder that hangs on a 12 ft. Wire a short distance off, about 8 ft. above the ground. Winds are calm this morning, so now entertainment watching the birdies fly visual approaches at the swaying feeder – like putting their feet down on the ledge that extends out a few inches, but remains under the rain canopy a foot or so above. Try that with a helicopter onto a small ship flight deck in a rough sea.. Not without fresh undies aboard.
    Anyway, Winlink still has you in the Waterway at West Palm. ‘Hope that you got underway into the Gulf Stream and have a beam wind to keep,you well south of Nova Scotia.

  4. David Reynolds and Alison Steiner Reply

    Bay Saint Louis 2310 cst
    Alison saw your FB post on the drive from Jackson earlier this evening. Not Nova Scotia then? Hurrah!

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