We left our marina at 5:00 today: My high school friend,Peter Mueser, Salli and I. We are planning to do 3 hours on and 6 hours off, a nice change from 3 and 3. To noon today, we made 115 GPS miles. Much better than I expected. Seas are a bit rough. No one is sick, but no one is eating much today. Beautiful sunny sky and cobalt blue sea with occasional flying fish flying from wave to wave. Since leaving PR, we have seen 2 commercial ships and no pleasure craft.


  1. Ang Reply

    Keep on keep on. You got this. We are all cheering you on. Big love. Sail fast Olive Oyl.

  2. David and Alison Reply

    We’ve been watching your position, checking NWS reports and forecasts, and doing a little dead reckoning. Every time that I guessed with 100NM plus or minus for 24 hrs., given the wind and maybe a little current, I said nah, optimistic. And there you are with 115NM in 19 hrs.
    We’ve been imagining life on board – a steady starboard tack in 15 kts and a little more wind speed, far enough aft to not have to trim sail much, but not so far to be watchful for a jibe – depending on what you have set. Nice not to have to stand back to back watches.
    Forecast winds way up ahead backing south, it looked like last time that I checked. You must be up in the low 20s N by now, and easing west.
    Glad that the traffic is light.
    THANKS for the update.

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