We left our marina before sunrise yesterday. We had brisk winds to help us down the river and the bay. Chilly temperatures. We were both wearing multiple layers. We arrived in Little Creek at dusk where we got a slip so we could plug in the heat. Weather doesn’t want to cooperate for us to go off shore to Bermuda so it looks like we will be going down the east coast heading to Bahamas instead. We are waiting for a little more weather info later this weekend before making a final decision.


  1. David Reynolds and Alison Steiner Reply

    November 18, Jackson, Mississippi
    We got your birthday card today, opened this evening, and return the recognition that no one travels through life quite like you. November 20 bodes well, at 10 year intervals, at least. Happy –
    A heck of a norther on the way here. Frontal passage was maybe an hour ago. It’ll give a westerly up your way, possibly – though maybe too strong for a comfortable passage. Will have a go at NWS after sending this. Thinking of you with gratitude for setting up this bloggy spot. Aaargh

  2. Karen Carter Reply

    OMG! What grand adventure! We’d love to see y’all, if you’re still in The Ditch while passing our bit of coast. We are home, for now. Salli, you’ll remember (perhaps not too fondly) my mother. She has required most of my time this past year, and has recently moved (unhappily) to a really marvelous care facility. Stuart and I are finding our balance again, and hope to take a quiet domestic trip soon. We’d love to see y’all! abrazos fuerte, k

    • Salli Reply

      Karen. I will let you know when we get near to you. So glad you are home.

  3. David Reynolds and Alison Steiner Reply

    The isobars are packed so closely here this morning that a body can’t see the wind glyphs. So, over the the kitchen window with coffee and watch the norther roll along. Actually, I exaggerate for ourselves, but, for you, not so much: steady winds in the low 20s and gusts in the low thirties until several hours after dark at Little Creek, Temp. dropping steadily all day.
    YeeHaw. Stay dockside, read, snuggle, take a walk, drink, take a nap, and tend the spring lines and bumpers, eh.
    On the other hand, you would have a shore to windward and a nice, errr, breeze, for a passage. Nah.

  4. Peter Mueser Reply

    Wonderful to hear that you’re “on your way.” Sorry to hear that Bermuda may not work out, but I’ll be following the trip with interest. Have a good Thanksgiving–perhaps at sea!

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