March 9, 2018
Weather is finally acceptable to make a break from Georgetown. Sailed off anchor at 6:45. Out the North Channel Cut (oddly the most South East of the Georgetown cuts). We sailed in good wind until noon when we used a bit of motor. Caught and (carefully) released a 3 foot barracuda. Arrived in our anchorage mid afternoon. We went into town the next day, Saturday, and found a great grocery store and a great marine supply. The town itself is a bit dreary, although they are gearing up for their annual Mutton Festival next weekend. Too bad we will miss this, we both love lamb.
March 11, 2018
Wind from the South, exactly what we need to get north to the tip of Long Island. We sailed 27 miles North to Santa Maria Bay. This bay is purported to be the third landfall of Christopher Columbus, and there is a large monument here. Unfortunately, the bay is exposed to the north and there was still a surge from the North, causing our anchorage to be quite uncomfortable. We had a crew meeting and decided to move South to Calabash Bay in the hour we still had left before sunset. We found conditions marginally better here, but still had a rolly night.

Calabash Bay sunset
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